Meditation is more important than ever because the Autumn Gaebyeok is coming.
The Autumn Gaebyeok will manifest in the forms of a catastrophic war, a catastrophic disease, and a pole shift:
… all the malevolent karma of the Early Heaven will create a devastating disease and trigger massive upheavals throughout the world. The catastrophic disease will follow in the wake of the catastrophic war. (Dojeon 7:30)
At the outbreak of the catastrophic disease, all the world's arts of medicine will become useless. (Dojeon 7:31)
When the catastrophic disease strikes, it will first invade the pharmacies and hospitals, and humanity will face complete annihilation.(Dojeon 7:29)
You will suffer a world in which sea becomes land and land becomes sea. (Dojeon 11:188)
When earthquakes become frequent in the world, know that gaebyeok is nearing. (Dojeon 7:12)
At this time, as the world nears the Autumn Gaebyeok, meditation is vital to our self-preservation and transformation.
Meditation helps us overcome harmful lifestyles that undermine our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. And it brings a healing of our mind, body, and soul.
Meditation gives us protection from diseases and ultimately from the catastrophic disease. Meditation awakens us, enabling us to foresee the tribulations leading up to the Autumn Gaebyeok.
Meditation transforms us as we discover our original spiritual self and activate the spiritual DNA deep within our original being. This is a vital step toward attaining enlightenment.