Out with Darkness, In with Light.



Out with Darkness, In with Light 

Meditation is a continuous process of removing darkness from our mind, body, and soul and filling them with light. 

What is this darkness?
It is negative emotions that rob us of tranquility, painful memories that haunt us day and night, and traumas that fester in our soul. 

What is light?
It is truth itself. It is the pure and bright energy of the universe. This light heals and rejuvenates our mind, body, and soul.

Meditation helps us escape darkness and enter the realm of light. That is why meditation brings healing and true happiness.

When you meditate, you must forget everything. You must empty yourself. You must achieve nothingness. Then, dao will unfold. Meditation is a paradox: you must achieve nothingness to attain dao.

Jeung San Do offers four basic forms of meditation to help people attain healing and true happiness:

*Mantra meditation.
*Breathing meditation.
*Purification meditation.
*Flower of light meditation.